Learner Support and Educational Services Policy


CCF SA is committed to providing a supportive teaching and learning environment that is responsive to individual learner needs.


This document provides information regarding the support and educational services that are available to learners to achieve successful completion of their course. Also it sets out the operational guidelines to identify and address learners with support needs and at risk.

CCF SA (RTO 45621) represents the trading names of:

  • Civil Train South Australia
  • Civil Train NT
  • Civil Train Western Australia
  • Mining Train
  • TrainSA

Prior to enrolment all learners are provided with the pre-enrolment brochure and course information brochure, which includes details on requirements necessary to enter and successfully complete the course. Qualification learners will also receive a Learner Handbook upon induction. Learners interested in completing a qualification course are requested to attend the Course Information Session prior to enrolment or commencement whichever comes first. The Course Information Session encompasses a range of information including minimum course attendance, physical and academic pre-requirements and support and educational services available.

CCF SA engages closely with learners to be able to identify, understand and address their needs prior to enrolment. Learners should advise CCF SA of any support they might require. Support needs may be associated with:

  • literacy and numeracy issues
  • English language
  • time management
  • working with others
  • I.T.
  • unemployment
  • financial distress
  • medical conditions
  • drug and alcohol abuse

Learner support needs may be identified:

  • during initial discussion during the Course Information Session
  • by self-assessment or diagnostic assessment as part of the registration or enrolment process, or at any other time during their enrolment
  • when a learner seeks information on course over the phone, by email or face to face
  • as part of a referral from an external agency e.g. jobactive, Corrections etc.
  • during Induction
  • by poor attendance or poor outcome during enrolment on the course

Indicators that suggest a learner has English language needs could include:

  • inability to read, understand and complete basic forms
  • very limited vocabulary in English and inability to respond to questions, follow a discussion or requires others to interpret into first language
  • very low prior level of education in first language or illiterate in first language

Pre-enrolment Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment

CCF SA uses the ACER Core Skills Profile for Adults (CPSA) to help screen learners prior to enrolment. This assists CCF SA to determine if a prospective learner meets the LLN requirements of the course for which they are applying, whether identified LLN needs can be met by CCF SA internal support or whether the learner would benefit from referral to an external provider.

The CSPA does not assess English language capability. Where CCF SA is made aware that a prospective learner’s first language is not English, CCF SA will contact them for a telephone interview to determine suitability for the course.

Short courses
  • Where self-assessment, or other indicator, has identified that a prospective learner may require LLN support, CCF SA may request the learner to complete the Snapshot Reading and Numeracy Indicator (SRNI) as a brief assessment to help screen learners prior to enrolment. The SRNI assesses both reading and numeracy against Exit Level 2 of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). This is considered a minimum level for coping with any level of study within VET.
  • All prospective learners looking to enrol in a qualification are required to undertake the CPSA.
  • For Certificate II and III qualifications, learners will be expected to be working at Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Exit Level 2 in reading and numeracy. If the SRNI indicates that the learner is not at Exit Level 2, the leaner will be asked to undertake further assessment in reading and/or numeracy (as indicated by their SRNI results).
  • All prospective learners looking to enrol in Certificate IV qualifications will need to undertake the full CPSA in reading, numeracy and writing. It is expected that the learner will be at Exit Level 3 in reading and numeracy and Exit Level 2 in writing. Policy 111001- Learner Support and Educational Services (v1) 3 SA WorkReady Prospective learners in South Australia who are seeking funding subsidy under WorkReady are required to undertake the ‘Upfront Assessment of Need’ process. This includes:
  • CPSA (LLN) assessment to meet the Exit Levels required by the SA Government.  Suitability and Support Assessment Checklist. Each prospective learner will undergo a one to one meeting/interview with a CCF SA representative in order to identify any factors which may affect the participant’s capacity to complete the program or gain employment in the sector for which the project is designed.
  • A Learning and Support Plan will be used to record the findings of the upfront assessment of need process.
SA WorkReady

Prospective learners in South Australia who are seeking funding subsidy under WorkReady are required to undertake the ‘Upfront Assessment of Need’ process. This includes:

  • CPSA (LLN) assessment to meet the Exit Levels required by the SA Government.
  • Suitability and Support Assessment Checklist. Each prospective learner will undergo a one to one meeting/interview with a CCF SA representative in order to identify any factors which may affect the participant’s capacity to complete the program or gain employment in the sector for which the project is designed.
  • A Learning and Support Plan will be used to record the findings of the upfront assessment of need process.

CCF SA offers a range of services and activities which aim to support learners and assist them during their training. Fees may apply to some internal services depending on the amount of support required. For more details on fees please refer to Fees and Refunds Policy available at www.www.civiltrain.com.au. The services and activities available include:

English as a Second Language

CCF SA trainers and assessors are experienced in working with people from culturally diverse backgrounds for whom English is not their first language. Trainers have developed a range of practical devices to assist in overcoming the language barrier. These include games, pictures and diagrams.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

CCF SA trainers and assessors are experienced in working with people who require some assistance with speaking, reading, writing and maths. All assessments are available in oral form, if allowed by the unit of competency and/or the licensing agency, where applicable. Prior notice will need to be provided so ensure resources can be allocated to a verbal assessment. CCF SA trainers and staff will provide additional academic assistance if a learner requires it. This assistance is generally provided out of class hours for groups or in particular circumstances individual appointments can be arranged.

Information Technology

Informal IT support may be provided by CCF SA staff to help learners with technology issues related to their course. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) & Credit Transfer (CT) RPL & CT are available to all learners and CCF SA trainers and staff will provide learners with assistance to prepare for RPL or Credit Transfer.

Study Skills & Assignment Preparation

CCF SA trainers and staff will provide learners with assistance to develop their self-directed study skills and assignments.

Careers and Employment Guidance/Mentoring

CCF SA trainers and staff may provide learners with career mapping assistance, job seeking and structured workplace mentoring support for a period of up to 3 months after commencing employment. CCF SA staff have undertaken mental health awareness training and may refer learners to an external counsellor, where appropriate. Counselling support is not and cannot be provided by CCF SA staff. CCF SA engaging in personal counselling may be subject to disciplinary action.

Online Library

Assistance is provided in identifying and accessing appropriate web based information sources, relevant to the learner’s course.

Tea and Meals

Tea/coffee making facilities are provided for learners and is included in course fees. Meals are not provided. Where possible, CCF SA offers refrigeration facilities for learners wishing to bring in their own food. All CCF SA training facilities are within a reasonable distance to local eateries.

Where learners’ needs cannot be addressed by CCF SA, learners will be referred to an external support service. No charge is made by CCF SA to learners for referral and every effort will be made to access free or low cost services. All costs directly associated with the support service are borne by the learner. CCF SA will assist the learner to access appropriate funding or medical benefit rebates as may be available from time to time. CCF SA may refer learners to third parties providing the following services:

Learner Support Services (LSS) – SA only

Learner Support Services (LSS) provide individualised support to learners with barriers to training through a case management model. Learners eligible for LSS are those who are studying a full qualification on the WorkReady Subsidised Training List (including trainees and apprentices), and have complex support needs interfering with their studies. CCF SA refers eligible learners to an external LSS provider.

Academic Counselling

Learners who require higher levels of academic support will be referred to an external specialist. This support is arranged on an as needs basis.

Personal and Financial Counselling

CCF SA trainers and staff are not qualified counsellors and will not provide personal counselling. CCF SA will provide learners with, and assist them to access, reasonable counselling options.

Legal Services

CCF SA will assist in the identification of appropriate legal services should a learner require them for any purpose.


Learners are required to attain minimum academic and attendance standards. Learners do not meet minimum academic and attendance standards in a course if they:

  • fail more than 1 unit and/or more than 1 resit for an individual unit;
  • do not attend at least 80% of contact hours per unit.

Learners who do not meet the minimum academic and/or attendance standards or have behavioural, personal or external issues affecting their capacity to complete the course are deemed to be “at risk”.

Intervention strategies

If the trainer or other CCF SA staff identifies a learner to be at risk, the trainer or staff member refers the learner to the Accountable Officer. The Accountable Officer will discuss with the trainer the applicable issues with the learner:

  • where appropriate, advising learners (or on the suitability of the course in which they are enrolled);
  • assisting learners by advising of opportunities for reassessment of units they had previously not demonstrated the required competency for.

Depending on the outcome of those preliminary discussions, the Accountable Officer will discuss with the learner (and the parent/guardian if a minor child) and the trainer (if appropriate) the cause of the poor attendance/academic performance and/or behavioural or personal issue and negotiate an appropriate intervention/assistance plan. The support program which may include one or more of the following:

  • attending academic skills programmes;
  • attending tutorial or study groups;
  • receiving individual case management, coaching or mentoring;
  • attending study clubs;
  • attending external non-academic counselling;
  • receiving assistance with personal issues which are influencing progress (referrals to external assistance will vary depending on individual issues but may include LSS for eligible learners)
  • a combination of the above and a reduction in course load where possible.

A record of the intervention measures implemented will be kept in the learner’s file, including a record of outcomes monitoring activities. Where the support plan is proving to be unsuccessful the support plan will be re-evaluated with the learner and parent/guardian if a minor child.

An attempt at intervention will be made after each warning letter is sent to the learner, for any of the following reasons:

  • in danger of not meeting academic progress requirements;
  • in danger of not meeting course attendance requirements;

at risk of having their enrolment cancelled (expulsion) based on behavioural issues or breaches of Learner Code of Conduct.

Learners at risk who refuse to participate in an intervention strategy will be given reasonable opportunity to improve their academic or attendance levels. If the learner does not identify issues, is not cooperative or does not participate in the intervention strategy the Accountable Officer will discuss with the learner, and parent/guardian if a minor child, issues such as:

  • suitability of the course in which they are enrolled;
  • reassessment process;
  • option of terminating studies.

If levels are not improved within a reasonable period of time, which has been negotiated with the learner and parent/guardian if a minor child, the learner’s studies will be terminated and a Statement of Attainment for all successfully achieved units is to be provided to the learner within a timely manner.

Learners who do not agree with a CCF SA decision may access the Appeal Process within 10 working days of the decision being provided to them in writing.

If a Learner does not access the Appeal Process within the specified period of time CCF SA’s decision will stand and no further recourse will apply.



Where a learner requires support or additional learning that necessitates the deferment of studies the learner is not to be penalised in regards to the deferment.

The Accountable Officer will evaluate the reason and time requested and set a timeframe for the learner’s return to complete studies.

If the learner without further negotiation does not return to complete their studies within the agreed period a Statement of Attainment for satisfactorily achieved units is to be provided to the learner in a timely manner.

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